Thee Three Important Basics of Designing a Home-based Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely transformed the business landscape. To prevent the spread of the virus, business owners and employees have to migrate their businesses and office spaces in the comfort of their homes. At first, the remote work setup provided plenty of advantages, from having the flexibility to control your own schedule, eliminating the daily commute, and starting a business with minimal overhead. All these things made running a business easier, but it also has its own drawbacks.

Operating in a non-traditional work environment is not just about having extra space at your home. Like any office setup, it requires space that promotes comfort and productivity. You need a place that separates your personal life from your business while considering other factors such as confinement of clutter, storage, lighting, and location. No wonder why many employees are turning to home builders for basement finishing projects to set up an office in the most private area of their homes.

If you’re under the impression that you need a spacious master bedroom or a spare room to make way for your home-based business, you’re wrong. Carving out a work-friendly space is possible whether from a small study place, basement, or other areas you’ve never considered exploring. If this sounds good to be true, read this article to find out how you can define a professional workspace right at your home.


The key to a productive work environment is to have a bright, light workspace where you can create and think. Good lighting is necessary for any office space. But since you’ll be working at home, chances are high that your access to natural light in your home office location is insufficient for an ideal work environment.

If your house has adequate access to sunlight, it’s better to position your home office near the windows to get the right amount of light and a perfect view of the outdoors. Relying on a natural light source will save you from high energy costs. But make sure to blend the natural light in your workspace for consistency.

Installing blinds or translucent shades will reduce the glare coming from the sun without dimming the room. Add a mirror to enhance the natural light and maintain the light color of the walls.

An overhead ceiling light will serve as the general lighting of the room. For added style, open-top floor lamps will light up and beautify the darkest corners of the room. A desk light is also a must to eliminate shadows on your desk space and provide an additional light source at night. Daylight bulbs may also add an extra boost for the light fixtures.

Electrical equipment

home interior

A traditional office environment generally has a better electrical supply than our homes and non-commercial buildings. But since you’ll be spending more time at home, you can expect to increase power use as you run your business. That’s why it’s important to consider the type of office equipment to install. For example, a small laser printer that consumes 300 to 400 watts is more cost-efficient than large laser printers.

The circuitry in your workspace location is also important, especially if you’ll be using a PC, printer, monitor, phone, and scanner. A great way to start is to assess the power needs of your business. Estimate the overall wattage of every piece of equipment, including the lighting. From there, you’ll be able to cut down on power needs by identifying which equipment consumes the most energy. For instance, instead of having a separate scanner, copier, fax, and printer, a multifunction device that can perform all their functions will save more on utility costs.

Testing the electrical equipment is advisable before adding aesthetic components to your workspace. This will identify if there are any electrical dangers, such as popping breakers or dimming lights. Make sure to leave them to a professional electrician to check circuitry and make wiring adjustments.


Did you know that breathing stale air makes you less productive at work? According to Harvard Business Review, breathing quality air has a significant effect on decision-making performance. This means that lower levels of chemical exposure, lower carbon dioxide, and high ventilation rates improve cognitive functions. It will also help you strategize, stay prepared, and plan during crises at work.

Good access to ventilation will not only benefit you but also your electrical equipment. Remember, the more electrical equipment you’re using, the more heat they will generate. This can cause sudden damages to your equipment when exposed to excessive heat. Also, working in a hot office environment will make running a business difficult, especially if you have employees or clients walking in your door.

When choosing a spot for your workspace, always consider the ventilation aspect of the location. A great tip is to add smart air-conditioning systems to protect your health and equipment.

Above all else, the key to producing the best workspace for your business is to keep it personal, efficient, and comfortable. Testing out the ideas we suggested will help you combine productivity and creativity in your work environment. Remember, your office is your personal space, so it makes sense to make it meaningful and motivational.