
Going Green: How To Run Sustainable Factories and Industries

Environmental groups are typically at the forefront of growing concerns regarding industries’ impact on the environment. But now that their messaging is gaining traction among the regular people, the manufacturing sector has come under even more scrutiny. Thus, it’s becoming increasingly crucial to adopt eco-friendly practices to improve your operations’ sustainability.

Whether you begin making big or small changes, in most cases, you’ll be seeing the benefits almost immediately. The following are some of the best ways to make your manufacturing business greener, helping you run a sustainable company in no time.

Switch to Eco-Friendly Products

One of the most efficient and reliable ways of going green in a manufacturing company is implementing eco-friendly alternatives in the workplace. Not only are these practices sustainable, but they may also cut company costs at the same time, saving you money while making operations smoother and safer.

Changing your energy sources is an excellent example of this. Being mindful of where you get your power can significantly affect energy costs, saving you money and energy. Going green by working with solar energy companies and switching up your usual energy methods can go a long way in protecting the environment, making your operations more sustainable and efficient.

Use Circular Manufacturing

Manufacturing businesses are veering towards greener methods and are becoming more sustainable, creating a regenerative model fueling their facilities. A great way to make operations greener is by using circle manufacturing or lean manufacturing. This method is when you recover resources, repurpose the materials, lend equipment, follow predictive maintenance, and go for renewable power sources instead of standard ones. You can start by avoiding buying raw materials for themselves to become more sustainable—and expand from there.

Go Automatic


With the rise of cloud-based technology and the Internet of Things (IoT), people are given a chance to work alongside automation tools, AI, and collaborative tools, helping companies go green while streamlining business operations. Collaborative tools are designed to work along with people in a shared space, completing various tasks. Meanwhile, IoT will help individuals navigate the entire manufacturing process, allowing humans to coordinate dangerous jobs with robots.

Additionally, the manufacturing industry is one of the most dangerous sectors worldwide, reporting hundreds of thousands of workplace incidents every year. Luckily, AI and collaborative tools can help employees do hazardous tasks, potentially reducing that figure, providing a safer and more efficient work environment for everyone in the workplace. The improved safety measure will also provide less downtime for workers and machine reparation downtime, allowing productivity to skyrocket while energy costs will be at an all-time low.

Bring Internal Communications Online

When you make your company’s internal communications fully digital, you’re saving plenty of paper every year and making business operations more efficient. It’s known that better communication can improve a business’s overall operations. Real-time mobile communications are becoming a popular method of enabling frontline manufacturing employees to work more seamlessly.

Generally, a digitally connected workforce is quicker, safer, more productive, and sustainable, allowing employees to become partners with peers, executives, and machines.

Regularly Conduct Energy Surveys

The ideal measure to take to ensure all practices go smoothly and provide the best results for your business is conducting energy surveys. It’s a standardized audit of how your company uses energy, including your buildings and grounds, aiming to identify deficient areas—helping you make necessary improvements fast. Energy surveys can range from simple walkthroughs to more in-depth assessments (especially helpful when you’re trying to entice more investors).

You can carry out ‘basic’ surveys yourself. However, if you’re looking to be more thorough, it’s best to hire a professional. This also ensures that your energy surveys are done in an unbiased manner.

Making changes to your operations, no matter how small, can have a significant impact in the long run, allowing you to streamline your business processes, save money—and the environment.