machine automation

How Does Automation Help Materials Handling Plants?

The workplace can be quite dangerous. Of course, there are varying degrees of danger each employee can be exposed to depending on their place of work (for example, someone working in construction has more chances to get into an accident than someone working in an IT company). But one of the most common places people can work and get injured is at any materials handling facility.

It’s avoiding this type of harm to employees that have driven the rise of industrial robot integrations. In places like Utah, North Dakota, and Seattle, industrial facilities have taken it upon themselves to head off any potential of injury by using robots instead of humans.

But aside from the obvious, how exactly can automation help with the common issues facing these facilities?

It avoids the chance of litigation

One of the persistent headaches that any site manager might have encountered at least once is an employee lawsuit. While there’s no reason to assume that all of these are fraudulent (as there are some occasions where there is actual negligence on the part of the management), the idea of not having to deal with these ever again is a much-desired situation by any administration.

After all, not only is litigation expensive, but it can do a lot more harm to the company than just settlements. Automation is one of the best ways to avoid this by taking the person out of the equation altogether. Instead of dealing with a medical bill, you’ll be dealing with a repair bill and the employees you have won’t be endangered by the workplace.

It minimizes human error

welding robots

Materials handling can often demand very precise measurements and processes in order to maximize output and minimize loss, and human error is a big factor in this situation. While it is true that the biggest advantage is that humans can think creatively, making them superior to machines and droids, it can often mean big losses on the occasions where a mistake is made.

Automation can lessen or even eliminate the potential for fault. Not being prone to tiredness, boredom, or even loss of attention, the only things that can cause automation error are hardware and software problems. And even then, these problems can be easily rectified with proper maintenance and regular checkups.

It’s cost-effective

Finally, the most obvious yet probably most important factor is the cost. Automation has always held an edge over the human element when it comes to materials handling, mainly due to the nature of the work itself. People get tired, sorting can be difficult when it comes to certain products, and some materials are too hazardous or delicate for humans to handle. Automation allows facilities to bypass all of these problems at a consistent output rate, which is essential for production goals.

Automation is simply more efficient when it comes to the goals of a materials handling facility. It allows output a steady and consistent pace when it comes to timing and quality, makes sure all materials are treated the same and sorted equally, and eliminates human error without the risks of harm to either the product or the person.