stocks concept

Investing After COVID-19: Stocks That Will Go the Distance After the Pandemic

It’s too soon to speak about investing in stocks when there is no visible end to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even today, people are still trying to adjust to the new normal brought about by the quarantines and lockdowns. With new rules about social distancing in place, people are also told to shelter in place, including work.

Some of those who have lost their jobs are probably thinking about where to get their mortgage payments. There are those who might not be doing so bad; these people have had the hindsight of saving, whether it be from business, their work, or investing in the stock market and reaping the benefits through equities.

The stock market is seen as one that will go on a bullish run after the lockdown. There are some stocks that are particularly buffered against the pandemic. Consider looking at some select shares that will have strong investment potential after everything goes back to normal.

Online Buying Growth Is Strong

Online stores have become big during the pandemic. With people being told to stay in their homes, most chose to buy their groceries and food through online stores. Experienced shoppers have also started to explore online, discovering new sites to visit with new things for them to buy.

Shopify, Amazon, Target, and Staples have been showing good growth, with Shopify leading the way. Their stocks have improved in recent days, and a lot of investors are saying that it’s better to just wait for a more affordable price. Either that, or you can look for affordable stocks, which are available on the market.

Healthcare Talks Will Resume with Strong Support

Politics in the U.S.A. will always bring health care and insurance to the forefront, as they are two of the major battlegrounds almost every election. Each year also brings more proposals, but none more so than this year. COVID-19 changed everything, and the issues went away, but it’ll surely make a roaring comeback.

There is also a new discussion thrown into the mix: COVID-19. The market is adjusting to the expectation that there will be significant tweaks made for healthcare providers. HealthEquity stocks might be a big buy. While it’s not the only healthcare provider, look for similar stocks to pay back significantly higher returns.

Remote Medical Treatments Are Big

The pandemic has also bought remote medicine to the forefront. Remote medicine is that healthcare variant done in the relative safety of your home. The largest of these providers, Teladoc Health, is set to make a huge noise in the stock market.

Services in the remote sector have been reporting a huge surge in the demand for their services. It’s also one reason you should pay a close attention to stocks in similar companies. Virtual health care and similar services are about to make a huge mark on the stock market, so you should ride that surge.

Online Streaming Will Be Big

man working from home

Stocks of the streaming services that are so popular right now are also worth mentioning and watching out for. Netflix and similar companies have reported that subscribers have been on a record surge. That also means that a growth is expected in its stock value and returns.

Other similar companies that are reporting a huge surge in their stocks are those such as Roku, a provider of digital media players. While there seems to be a dip in their stock value since advertisers have gone lukewarm during the pandemic, the company still expect to hand over a reported surge in revenue.

Digital Content Such as Gaming Will Grow Further

When you’re not watching movies, you’re gaming, and that’s one stock that should be on everyone’s list. Companies such as Activision Blizzard, makers of the popular Call of Duty, reported a raise in its earnings outlook for the year, despite the difficulties brought upon by the pandemic.

Since everything closed last March 2020, spending for the video game industry experienced a year-on-year increase to the tune of 35%. Companies such as Electronic Arts and Take Two Interactive Software also handed in reports of huge upsurges. These companies are worthwhile stocks to be watching and investing in.

Remember that investing isn’t easy. It requires a lot of study on your part, hours upon hours of due diligence, and a little luck when putting in your hard-earned money. Some stocks may perform as advertised, while others may fail to satisfy expectations. Remember to put in the time to study stocks and decide whether one of these is for you, or if you’d rather play it safe and put it in long-term equities.