two people involved in a car accident

Involving in A Car Accident: What Should You Do?

There are more than 40,000 fatal vehicular accidents that happen each year in the United States. Statistics also show about two million drivers experience permanent injuries annually. Some cases only lead to property damage and minor injuries, but such accidents are still terrifying. Even in a safer place, like Salt Lake City, you can still get in an accident.

You tend to forget where you are and what you must do. But if you are involved in an accident, it’s incredibly important to stop panicking and do these steps.

Stop and stay at the scene of the accident

First of all, never drive away from the scene of the accident. Stop even if it’s just a minor accident. It is your legal obligation to stop as soon as you feel you have collided with something. Then, wait for the authorities to come and assess the situation.

You must also never assume any responsibility, especially if you have a car insurance policy. Usually, these insurance policies state that you can’t assume responsibility for any vehicular accident. Let them do the talking if you want them to take care of the claim.

Check for injuries

After you have stopped, check yourself for any injuries. If you have passengers, make sure you also check if they have wounds. If necessary, call medical services and don’t move anyone until they arrive.

Alert others of the scene

This is especially important if the accident happened at night. If your car lights still work, keep them on. It can prevent further accidents from happening.

If your car is still moving and the scene of the accident is blocking the road, you can pull the car aside.

Document the accident

person taking photos of the car accident

Once the authorities arrive, ensure you take their name and badge number. They will ask you about what happened. Tell them exactly what has happened and never assume anything nor guess anything. State everything to the best of your ability.

You should also ask the names of everyone involved. Take their names, address, phone number, the insurance company, insurance policy number, license plate, and everything about their car. Then ask the police where you can get a copy of the accident report. Your insurance provider may require them for your claim.

You should also take pictures of the accident. Get images at every angle to document the damage done to your car and other’s property. To avoid disrupting police investigation, take the photos after the accident itself.

Protect your rights

If you haven’t yet, make sure you have called your insurance company at the scene of the crime. You should also call your personal injury attorney. Your attorney can help you protect your rights. They can also help ensure that any evidence is kept safe and is not tampered.

Additionally, your attorney can provide you with helpful insight to deal with the problem.

Getting into a car accident is one of the most terrifying things that can happen to you. Although it’s common to feel panic, you need to keep your head straight and call for help. You should also prioritize the safety of your passengers and other people and avoid further destruction and possible injuries.