house in the suburbs

How Homes for Sale and Rent Can Make the Most out of Showings

Moving to a new home is always a big decision. The location, the space, and the features all affect the renter or buyer’s daily life. This why it takes a while to get a signed contract. Landlords go through dozens of showings before they get a good offer on their properties. In fact, data from Zillow shows that the average amount of time it takes to sell a home is almost two months. For renters, it’s a slightly different. Most tenants go through more than five viewings before they decide on an apartment. Of course, the average time varies depending on the location, season, and behavior of the market. But, one thing that can lessen the time it takes for your place to get a buyer or renter is the first impression.

Potential tenants and homeowners immediately form an opinion when they see a property in person. They’ll think whether it matches up with the photos they’ve seen beforehand and imagine whether they can live in the home comfortably.

To shorten the time your property is in the market, check out these ways it can make a positive first impression:

See Things from the Outside

This is one of the instances when the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t apply. The exterior is absolutely crucial when it comes to selling or renting out a home. Whether your property is an apartment or a detached house, take a look from outside.

For stand-alone homes, it all starts from the yard. While you don’t need a big garden with full-blooming flowers and plants, it is good to have healthy-looking trees and shrubs. Dying plants don’t just look bad, but they reflect badly on the seller as well. Buyers would think that parts of the house have probably been neglected. The bright side is that there are quality tree care services that can save trees from pests and bugs and prevent them from dying.

For apartments and condos, it’s a much simpler issue. Since there’s no lawn to worry about, you just have to focus on the building itself. Make sure that you’ve covered up vandalized parts of the apartment building. Check that the door is working properly, without any squeaky hinges and the locks are fine.

couple buying a house

Good Timing Is Key

To get the most bang out of your buck, it’s best to put up your home for sale in the summer. Figures from NerdWallet shows that for most major cities in the U.S., properties sell for the highest prices in June and July. This means that there are more houses on the market so the competition is tighter. But there are also more people looking to buy during this time.

To make the most out of the season, make sure that your house is fully-equipped for summer. It’s the time to have your air conditioner serviced so it’s up and running during viewings. Use insect repellent to keep the bugs away.

If you can, it’s also good to schedule showings when the weather is nice and sunny. You can show off how much natural light the home gets which is very important. In fact, figures reveal that properties with less access to natural light had a lower value compared to properties with windows.

Beyond the Aesthetics

It’s not just the looks that matter when it comes to viewings. The smell is important, too. Who would want to live in a house or apartment that looks nice but smells bad?

If you’ve just repainted the walls, take a few days before you schedule a viewing. Make sure to keep the rooms well-ventilated to ensure that the paint fumes have ran out. A good, fast alternative is to use low-VOC paint. They contain little volatile organic compound, so they’re not just better for the environment, but they smell better as well.

Besides the smell, make sure that you won’t have any trouble with the noise as well. Keep up to date with the events around the neighborhood and avoid scheduling a viewing during parties.

Know Your Target

Depending on the kind of property you have, your renter or buyer is probably looking for a specific type of home. Married couples would probably want a house where they’d want to start a family. You can highlight all the features that would go with this like a yard, nearby schools, and a peaceful neighborhood. On the other hand, if you want to rent out an apartment to a young professional, it would be different. Emphasize how accessible and convenient it is to travel and how lively the neighborhood is.

Selling or renting a home can be challenging especially while the economy is still recovering. Think of why the renter or buyer would need your property and go from there.