save money concept

Money Matters: a Millenial’s Guide to Adulting

Money is a topic that most people prefer not to talk about. It’s not because they don’t have it, but because they don’t know how to handle money properly. In fact, many adults still don’t know the importance of good budgeting and planning for the future until it’s too late.

Many earning young adults think they can put off saving up for their future until they are older and wiser, but that is not the responsible thing to do. As an adult, it is your responsibility to pay your bills, earn a living, and enjoy life as much as you can.

But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be smart about your money. You should know that money easily comes and goes. And while it may seem like a lot when you get your paycheck, it can also disappear quicker than it arrived. If you’re having trouble with handling your money properly, refer to these tips below:

Budget Your Money Wisely

Before you get your paycheck, see to it that you know where it’s going to go. How will you divide your salary into the necessities, your bills, paying your credit card, and still have enough left to save?

A simple way of saving money is by following the 20-30-50 rule. That means that you’ll be immediately dividing your money into savings, wants, and needs, accordingly. Following this rule allows you to have money to spend on the things you want to buy for yourself while having money reserved to pay your bills and save up for the future.

You can also cut down on the “want” part that a lot of your money may be going into right now. Ask yourself the right questions. Do you really want to spend on that gym membership or magazine subscription when there are cheaper alternatives to both? Do you really need those new shoes, knowing full well that you have fairly new ones sitting at home?

A few small habitual changes can also go a long way in minimizing your spending. For instance, you can cook your food instead of eating out or ordering in. You can also stay in and watch a film instead of spending money in the movie theater. If you limit your entertainment spending gradually, you can save more money in the long run.

Create an Emergency Fund

In case of an emergency, like a health crisis or sudden unemployment, you should still be able to keep your head above the water. And the only way you can do that is by keeping an emergency fund that can cover three to six months of your regular living expenses.

It doesn’t mean that you should be keeping half of your paycheck every time, but you must have an emergency fund to cope with unforeseeable circumstances. If you’re lucky enough never to have to use your emergency fund, then you can put that money into investing for your future or your retirement savings.

Invest in Life Insurance

While you’re young and able, you must consider investing in life insurance to protect you from drowning in debt in the unlikely case of accidents or fatalities. It’s a smart investment that has great benefits not only for you but also for your family.

There are different kinds of insurances for various situations, but the most common one is life insurance. Disability insurances also exist, and they can replace your source of income if ever your ability to work is hindered by a disability.

Plan Your Future

motivated person

Ultimately, you have to save money for your future. You can’t always hinge your dreams on your current ability to work because that can change with a blink of an eye. And you also have to keep your dreams on track.

What are your plans for the future? Are you looking to become a homeowner and pay house mortgages? Or do you see yourself living out of a backpack and traveling the world? Whatever your long-term goals are, you should know that they will cost you money.

That is the purpose of saving up for your future. You cannot allow yourself to keep on living life from paycheck to paycheck; you have to reach a point in your life where you are free to live the way you want without worrying about if you can eat tomorrow.

It’s easy to get lost in the joys of spending when you have money. But that kind of happiness is short-lived because it can only go as far as your pockets take you. Once it’s gone, you’ll be back to struggling to get by.

However, if you become smart about how you handle your money, you will pay your bills on time and keep your credit score perfect. You can also remain debt-free, have enough money for all your wants, and still maintain a savings account. It’s all about knowing how to budget and prioritize.