moving services

Personal Service Businesses that You Can Start Today

To say that 2020 was a difficult year would be an understatement. It isn’t only because of the pandemic itself, either. Families have been separated due to COVID measures. Many people lost their jobs or experienced a reduction in their work hours or pay cuts while businesses tried to get back on their feet.

It’s been almost a year since the outbreak, and vaccines are already available, but that doesn’t make the situation instantaneously better. Many people remain out of work. In fact, there are currently 1 million fewer jobs for Americans than before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspect of it, why not take it as a sign to seek out opportunities in other fields.

Now’s a good time to observe your local community and provide personal services that they seem to need. Here are some personal service businesses that you could explore. One of them might just be your ticket to long-term success and stability.

House Prepping and Organizing Services

If you have a knack for keeping homes tidy, consider turning it into a business. It can go two ways. First, you can sharpen your painting, plumbing, and scrubbing skills to prepare vacated homes and apartment units for their new homeowners or tenants, respectively. Be prepared for some heavy work as a handyman. You might want to employ one or two people when your business is just getting started.

Alternatively, you can go for the calmer route of professional organizing services. You can offer your efficient organizing service to people who just moved into their new homes. It’s also appealing for people who feel like they need some order in their bedroom closet or in their home office. Add more value to this service by coupling it with your knack for interior design. It doesn’t have to be complicated; these services can range from recommending stylish custom window drapes to finding the right indoor plant.

Pet Sitting and Mobile Pet Grooming

newly groomed dog

If you’re done with traditional desk jobs and in search of something a little more adventurous, why not get into pet-related services? If you have your own pets or if you’re good with animals in general, you might want to consider pet sitting. Get started with neighbors who need to go out of town for work or for leisure. Just be patient and show genuine care for the pets you look after. The business will eventually grow.

Alternatively, if you want something more challenging than taking care of pets and making sure they’re well-fed, explore the idea of mobile pet grooming services. All you need are a van, pet grooming tools, proper training, and some patience, then you’re good to go with this business venture.

Personal Chef or Catering Services

If you love to cook but didn’t have much time for it because of your previous job, now’s the time to pick up your personal recipe book and turn your passion into a business. You can get started by promoting your specialty recipes. Or, you can explore personal chef services for clients with different dietary practices and food restrictions. In addition to doing what you love, you’ll be lifting some load off many busybodies.

On the other hand, you might want to consider catering services for special occasions like weddings and festive gatherings. This is usually the next step for small culinary businesses that have a bigger kitchen and more staff. You might be more comfortable with it after observing how the food industry works.

Mobile Car Washing or Mechanic Services

If you’re interested in cars and you know a thing or two about vehicle maintenance, explore the possibility of mobile car-related services. Dry-cleaning pick-up, grocery delivery, and other errand-related services that don’t require people to leave their homes are increasingly common. So instead of making people drive all the way to an auto shop for vehicle maintenance services, why not bring it to them?

With the right cleaning materials and close attention to detail, your small car washing business can instantly gain popularity not just in your community but among car dealers and rental fleet owners as well. If you have an in-depth knowledge of automobile repair, on the other hand, you can use that to open your mobile mechanic shop. This is a convenience that many people will like and recommend to their peers.

Getting laid off isn’t the end of the world. There are many other things you can do. Think of your interests and what you do best, and find a way to make profit from those.