Storm on a city

How to Protect Your Business from Typhoon Damage

• Typhoon damage can include flooding, power outages, wind damage, and transportation disruption.

• Business owners should consider flood insurance and water-resistant materials when building or remodeling structures.

• Backup generators should be in place with enough fuel to last for several days.

• Strengthen infrastructure to reduce property damage from heavy rains or high winds.

• Invest in a generator or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system to help keep your business running during power outages.

Typhoons are common in many parts of the world, but their effects on businesses can be devastating, especially in the U.S. It’s estimated that fourteen typhoons hit the country annually. From flooding to power outages, property damage, and more, business owners need to be aware of the potential risks of a typhoon and how to minimize the damage it can cause. Here are ways typhoons can damage your business and how to deal with them.

Typhoon Damage

Typhoons can damage your business in various ways. Here are some of those ways:


One of the most common effects of a typhoon is flooding. Flooding can cause property damage, disrupt operations, and force businesses to close temporarily. To protect your business against flooding, it’s important to consider flood insurance and water-resistant materials when building or remodeling structures.

Typhoons can also cause power outages that may last for days or weeks. To protect yourself against power outages, ensure you have backup generators and enough fuel to last several days.

Wind Damage

Typhoons often bring fierce winds that can damage structures, signs, windows, and other parts of the business. To protect your business from wind damage, install hurricane shutters to secure windows and doors. You should also make sure that any outdoor furniture or signs are securely tied down to the ground.

Transportation Disruption

Typhoons can also cause transportation disruption, especially in coastal areas. This could affect both your ability to deliver goods and your customers’ ability to reach your business. To reduce the impact of transportation disruption, consider partnering with a delivery service that offers specialized services during natural disasters.

Ways to Prepare Your Business For Typhoons

There are many ways you can prepare your business for typhoons. Here are some of those ways.

Strengthen Your Infrastructure

Strengthening your infrastructure is one of the most critical steps to protect your business from typhoon damage. This includes ensuring roofs are appropriately sealed and reinforced, windows are properly caulked and weather-stripped, and any air conditioning units or other machinery are securely fastened to avoid being blown away by high winds. These precautions will help reduce property damage caused by heavy rains or strong winds.

Generator for office

Be Prepared for Power Outages

Many businesses rely on electricity for day-to-day operations. Unfortunately, power outages caused by typhoons can last for days or weeks, leaving many businesses unable to operate as usual.

To ensure your business isn’t crippled by extended power outages, consider investing in a generator or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system to keep your systems running even if the power goes out. Additionally, having an emergency plan in place for when the power goes out is essential so that you know exactly what steps must be taken to get back up and running as quickly as possible.

Have Adequate Insurance Coverage

Having adequate insurance coverage is essential for protecting your business from typhoon damage. Ensure you have comprehensive property insurance covering all areas of potential damage caused by storms, such as flooding, wind damage, etc., and liability insurance in case anyone gets injured while on your property during a storm event. Review your policies regularly to be up-to-date with current regulations and laws concerning weather events like typhoons.

Prepare Emergency Evacuation

You must have an evacuation plan for your staff and customers during a typhoon. Ensure everyone knows the plan, where to go, and what to do if the storm becomes too severe. Be sure to assign someone responsible for ensuring everyone follows the plan and provides regular updates on the situation before, during, and after the typhoon.

Get Your Office Checked

Once a typhoon has passed, it’s essential to inspect the office premises thoroughly. A reliable drone aerial inspection service can help you detect any signs of damage and provide detailed images to assess the extent of the damage. This can be helpful if you have to renovate your building because of the typhoon.

By protecting your business from typhoons, you can minimize the potential risks these extreme weather events pose. From strengthening your infrastructure to having adequate insurance coverage and having a reliable inspection team on call, there are plenty of ways for businesses to mitigate the damage caused by typhoons. With proper preparation and planning, you can protect your business from the destructive force of a typhoon.