a tornado from a distance

Tornadoes: How You Can Prepare for the Big One

Kansas has been immortalized in books, TV, and movies where a tornado swept up Dorothy’s house and took it to Oz. While Dorothy and other things in “The Wizard of Oz” are entirely fictional, tornadoes in Kansas are quite real. No matter what city you’re in, it’s good to be a little prepared. Better safe than sorry rings loudly true, especially when lives are at stake.

Build a Better Basement

If you still have an old-fashioned basement, it may be time for some remodeling. Of course, evacuation should always be your priority. Still, a secure basement gives you another emergency option if you are taken unawares or if a family member has severe mobility issues. A well-built basement also allows you to preserve relevant documents, valuables, and a host of other things. Contractors can easily remodel your existing basement, making it strong enough to keep you and your family safe from the toughest tornado. It also allows you to use more space, adding a whole set of rooms to your house. A basement finishing and remodeling are significant investments; it keeps your family safe, and it gives you additional rooms to do as you wish.

Stock Up on Supplies

You don’t need to go full prepper, but stocking up on water and buying a week or a month’s worth of emergency rations won’t hurt. Getting caught unprepared in your own house can be dangerous, especially when emergency services or rescue operations get delayed or are swamped. A week’s worth of water and rations should be enough to tide most emergencies, but you should add a few batteries, a 2-way radio, and any medication you or a family member might need. You can buy emergency rations at specialty stores or through an online transaction. These rations usually last for years at a time, with some even having longer than 20-years of shelf life. Stocking up on supplies can tide you over in case of a long power or water outage, a localized natural disaster, or even rioting on the streets. If roads are blocked, or you can’t leave your house, at least you’ll have the means to survive.

food in tin containers

Plan Your Routes

Evacuation should always be your first option. Keep an emergency evacuation or bug-out bag at the ready. It should contain enough food and water to last three days. Relief supplies might be a long time coming, and you’ll at least have your food without the lines. A first aid kit is essential, as well as any medication that your family member might need. As for documentation and a bit of cash are crucial, you’ll need them if you want to check into a hotel, and you’ll need to verify your identity to hasten insurance claims. Take time to plan at least three evacuation routes and plan for each stop you’ll need to take if you have elderly family members.

Tornadoes are a grim reality. You can’t stop them, but with a little preparation, you can at least keep your family safe.