a person picking an apple

Trends in the Food Industry: What to Expect for 2023

The global market for food and beverages is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2019 to 2023, reaching a value of $7,525.7 billion in 2023. In addition, the market is expected to reach $8,638.2 billion by 2025 and $11,979.9 billion by 2030. This growth can be attributed to many factors, including the increasing demand for convenience foods, the rising popularity of healthy eating habits, and the growing population and the corresponding increase in demand for food. With these growing demands, the food industry is constantly evolving to meet the needs of consumers. Here are some trends that you can expect to see in the food industry in 2023:

Plant-Based Proteins

As people become more conscious of their health and the environment, there is a growing demand for plant-based proteins. This trend is driven by the health benefits of plant-based proteins and the ethical and environmental concerns around animal-based proteins. For instance, plant-based proteins are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and they have a smaller carbon footprint than the production of animal-based proteins. More plant-based alternatives will likely become available for consumers to meet this demand.

Automated Production Lines

Another trend in changing the food industry is the increasing automation of production lines. This is being driven by the need for increased efficiency and precision in food production. For example, some companies are now using robots to package their products. This not only reduces the amount of time it takes to package food but also reduces the risk of human error. If automated systems are implemented correctly, they can also help to reduce food waste because they can be more accurate in measuring and portioning food.

fast food items on a counter

Personalized Nutrition

The personalized nutrition trend will continue to grow in the coming years. This is where people receive nutrition advice and recommendations tailored to their needs. This could be based on age, weight, activity level, and health conditions. However, considerations for these diets have extended towards other factors in a person’s life to determine the ideal diet plan for them. Likewise, with more and more advances in food production and alternatives, these also offer other ways individuals can receive the nutrients they need beyond the traditional means. If you intend to enter the food business, you will need to consider how you can make your products personalizable for your target market so you can provide customers their nutritional needs without having to change their diets entirely.

Food Safety and Transparency

Along with the world’s increasing health-consciousness, there is an heightened demand for food safety and transparency. Consumers want to know where their food comes from, how it was made, and what ingredients it contains. This is why it can be expected to increase traceability in the food industry, with manufacturers being held accountable for their products. This is why many companies have invested in their food manufacturing technologies and streamlining their production processes.

Moreover, food processing involves canning, freezing, dehydration, and aseptic processing. These methods help to preserve food and make it safe for consumption. Technology has advanced through the years to help with food safety, but it’s also essential for companies to maintain their machines and systems to ensure they’re functioning properly. For instance, your company may utilize cryogenic freezing for your food products by subjecting food items to sub-zero temperatures. This method helps to preserve the quality of food and prevent the growth of bacteria. To ensure this section of your food manufacturing line continues without any issues, you must properly care for these systems by investing in routine maintenance, which involves checking the freezers and the tanks that contain the necessary natural gasses that make cryogenic freezing possible. You can achieve this by hiring cryogenic tank maintenance services to properly inspect, clean, and repair these systems. This is essential to ensure that your food products are processed following the highest quality and safety standards.

Clean Labels

There are a few reasons why consumers are drawn to clean-label products. First, they appreciate that they can easily understand what’s in their food. Secondly, they believe that clean labels are healthier than conventional products, even though this may not always be the case. Finally, they appreciate that clean labels support sustainable agriculture and ethical practices.

Hence, one way for food manufacturers to meet this demand is by reformulating some of your existing products to meet the requirements of a clean label. You can also develop new products that fall under this category. You can also make sure that your brand stands out among the competition by clearly communicating the benefits of your clean label products.

To stay ahead of the curve in the food industry, it is important to be aware of current and future trends. By knowing what to expect in 2023, you can begin preparing for these changes.