
10 Ways to Up the Romance at Home with Your Spouse During Lockdown

Who says you can’t have fun with your spouse during a lockdown? Contrary to what most people say, this season brings a lot of opportunities for couples to strengthen their relationship.

10 Things You Can Do as a Couple to Spice Things Up during Lockdown

  1. Turn on the jacuzzi.

Nothing says romantic than a nice quiet evening cuddled up in a hot tub with your lover. Set the mood with the right music, lighting, and aromatic scents plus wine and some finger food and you’re off to a really sexy and fun evening.

  1. Take a romantic bath together.

Not everyone has a jacuzzi and a hot tub at home, however. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t take away from a romantic bath night with the love of your life. A long hot shower should do the trick. You just need to make sure your water heater installation works well whether you’re in Millcreek, Boise, or Portland. Otherwise, that nice long bath will just turn into a quick cold shower.

  1. Send sexy messages to each other.

Lighten the mood at home and make things a bit fun for you and your partner. Leave naughty notes for each other in different spots throughout the house. Send sexy text messages to each other when you’re in different rooms. Flirting is still fun.

  1. Pick up a new hobby as a couple.

One of the best things that this quarantine period brings is time. We all have plenty of time now to pursue other things, hobbies included. It would be really nice and more fun if you, as a couple, get into a new hobby that you can do together.

  1. Communicate your fears and feelings during this time.

During this time of uncertainty, we all have fears, doubts, apprehensions, and anxieties. Unload your burden onto your spouse. Be vulnerable and share with them your greatest fears and deepest feelings during this season. Connect on a more intimate and personal level.

  1. Cook up a storm in the kitchen.

Have fun in the kitchen with your spouse by cooking up different types of food to serve at home. Whether you’re working on an old family recipe or learning a new one, spending time in the kitchen with your spouse can be lots of fun.

  1. Joke around and laugh a lot together.

Despite the bad things that are happening all over the world due to the global health crisis, make time for laughter and joy. Kid around and throw jokes at each other. Laugh at and with each other. Laughter, after all, is the best medicine.

  1. Take one or two nights out of the week to unplug and focus on each other.

DateWhile technology and its advancements are a great boon to everyone, sometimes marriages and unions suffer because of the distractions it brings. Set aside time within the week when you two can unplug and disconnect from the virtual world so that you can connect more intimately as a couple.

  1. Set aside a date night at home once a week.

Dates need not always be expensive and extravagant. Some of the most meaningful dates take place right at home. Maximize this season by taking your partner out on a date at home. Do something special and out of the ordinary for them. A backyard picnic or a simple dinner on the roof is enough to make your partner feel special and appreciated. You just need to be creative.

  1. Sex. Get lots of it.

Do we need to say more?

Spending all of this time under lockdown getting to know each other and bringing back the spark to your relationship is a great way to take advantage of the present situation. Consider this as a silver lining to the cloud cast by the pandemic. Here’s to a stronger union!