Open plan office

3 Effective Office Layout Options for Your Business

When turning an idea into a real business, entrepreneurs should also carefully plan their office design.

Whether you’re setting up a service-based or manufacturing business, it’s of paramount importance that your office interior doesn’t just house your operations or reflect your company’s core values, but also inspires productivity among your staff. Apart from getting compensation and certain benefits, you (as their employer) are also responsible for your employees’  motivation, safety, and comfort at work.

These days, choosing the most appropriate design and style for your office space is as crucial as conducting valuable market research as it also sets up your company for success. Business leaders believe that the workplace’s appearance plays a large part when it comes to attracting and keeping the best employees, so it’s worth investing in.

Impacts of office interior on your employees’ well-being

In an article published by Forbes, your office’s style and design doesn’t just make a good impression on potential talent and clients but also decreases stress and improves employees’ alertness. The article, talked about how people feel about their current workspace. Interestingly, 87% of workers wish that their employer would offer them healthier workspace benefits—and these include wellness rooms, company fitness benefits, and healthy lunch options. In a case study discussing the effects of office design on employees’ efficiency, the authors mentioned that a great workplace often leads to better results and high-performing teams.

Know the right office design concept for your business

employees in the office

Since office designs are vital to the success of the company, business owners need to realize that it’s not always about their aesthetic preferences. A well-designed or plant-filled office doesn’t always influence your team’s creativity, happiness, and productivity. That’s why in this article, we have listed down the most popular designs or themes that reveal a lot about your business.

  • The cellular office layout for employees who want their own private space. Despite the evolution of office designs over the past century, some employees still prefer to work in their little private space. The cellular office layout, for example, is perfect for team members who want to work without being interrupted. Also known as a “private closed office,” a cellular plan uses partitions and panels to create separate chambers.
  • The open office layout that encourages social interaction among colleagues. Compared to the cellular office layout, the open space uses large tables, open desks, and open break areas. According to DesignBlendz, the concept has become one of the most common office set ups ever since it was introduced in the US in the 1950s. Employers believe that open spaces can help build camaraderie and strengthen professional bonds.
  • The co-working office layout for the new-age of entrepreneurs. Nowadays, the idea of a co-working space has become more popular among the new generation of business owners. From the word itself, “co-working” simply means that you get to share the area with other people from different departments. Since this type of layout follows a first-come, first-serve policy, employees have the freedom to choose where they want to work. It also promotes not only positive communication but also an effective collaboration within your organization. Many contemporary companies, especially startups, opt for simple but trendy  industrial office furniture and design– polished concrete floor, exposed beams and brick.

Design your workspace from scratch

Great office design doesn’t have to be expensive, it just takes some time and careful planning. Check out these well-executed office design ideas for some inspiration. Many of these ideas won’t even require large expense. It just takes an eye not only for what an office should look like, but also how it is used by its occupants. By planning around what people need– areas for productivity, for meetings, or quiet space– we help our emplyees to do their job better and more easily.

Seeing as employees spend a significant amount of time at the office, shouldn’t we make sure that it’s a great place to stay in?