at a construction site

Damaged Concrete Issues and How to Solve Them

Given enough time, even concrete structures like entries and sidewalks may crack and sink into the ground. These create uneven surfaces and can pose injury risks. Don’t let a sunken path pose a danger to your family, or open yourself up to litigation if you run a business. An average slip and fall that a badly-maintained sidewalk, for example, can run the person liable for over S30,000 in hospital costs alone, not to mention the legal fees of fighting the claim in court. Get yourself the help you need by getting the right mud jacking services.

Anyone that utilizes concrete slabs in the design and construction, both outside and indoors, understands how difficult it can be to work with rough or sunken slabs of concrete. Whether it’s the entry into your house or a walkway in your office, degraded or improperly-placed concrete can become dangerous for daily usage.

Common Causes for Degradation

Trees’ roots are usually one of the main culprits. Especially large and/or old trees may have roots that creep in and cause shifting in the surface. The uneven weight distribution of the slabs may then contribute to minor sinking in areas with poorer soil stabilization, causing even more problems.

The stability of your concrete plates could also be affected by weather and natural events, such as heavy rain or snow or minor earthquakes. Snow can seep into the concrete surface, and then freeze up again, causing rapid expansion that can compromise the concrete’s structure.

Is it better to replace the slab or level the concrete?

A broken concrete slab doesn’t always have to be replaced. A concrete lifting operation on broken or uneven concrete plates can save the floor (and your money). Mudjacking, or the practice of raising concrete slabs by drilling holes in the slab and feeding slurry to go under the slab to lift and stabilize it, is becoming a fairly common low-cost solution. Mud jacking in Ogden, UT for example, is in fairly high demand, especially considering the hot summers and cold winters due to its elevation and latitude that can be punishing to concrete exposed to the elements. Mud jacking results in a better, more stable surface without the hassle of repair and replacement by breaking apart the sunken area and removing one or several broken slabs.

Regular concrete repair involves lifting and removal and pouring, with combined costs going up to $14 a square foot. Mudjacking, by comparison, costs about 6-8 dollars a square foot– a very compelling argument!

Other Considerations

concrete polishing

Poured concrete becomes more durable over time. One of concrete’s unique properties is that it technically never stops curing– the longer it sets, the more durable it becomes. As long as it is exposed to moisture, concrete bonds together even better over time.

Fast and accurate concrete leveling. Concrete leveling not only minimizes debris and cleanup after the work, but it is much quicker as well. The repair work is done and ready for use in a matter of a day or two. In comparison, you will have to wait for almost a month for replacement slabs to be completely dry and usable.

While concrete is one of the most durable and accessible kinds of construction material in use today, its prolonged use or exposure to elements can mean the need for regular repairs and maintenance. As long as you’re aware of your options, you can look forward to an investment that will pay out dividends for a long, long time.