Don’t Blame the Young: Promoting Employee Loyalty Across All Generations

Millennials have been wrongfully dubbed as the “job-hopping generation,” but recent statistics have often been misplaced. Most of them have simply been exaggerated by stereotypes, which label millennials as entitled and perpetually dissatisfied.

In fact, a survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that baby boomers job-hopped as much in their 20s. New generations are joining the workforce, and not much will probably change. People will always want the best for themselves. When you’re young, there’s time to do that. Twenty-somethings have the time and opportunity to find new teams, so it’s easier to leave when they feel like they are not being cared for.

Instead of blaming the young’s survival instincts, companies should focus on making sure that all employees feel important and indispensable.

Be Proactive in Ensuring Health and Safety

Industrial companies are the most vulnerable when it comes to workplace accidents. In 2019, BLS reported that the incidence rate remained unchanged, with a total of 2.8 cases per 100 full-time workers. Nursing assistants, maintenance workers, and janitors are among the affected occupations.

A common mistake is undermining risks and technical problems that appear from time to time. When unfortunate circumstances align, coincidence can show no mercy. In one case, a dump-truck driver backed over a portable toilet, unaware that there was a man inside. If only they had been more careful about the placement of every bit of thing in the warehouse, there could have been no incident.

Sometimes, even after stressing safety protocols, someone still gets hurt. Accidents are just that—they are unpredictable. When safety protocols fail, it’s best to have a backup through a reliable legal protection. A proactive approach does not only try to stop incidents from happening, but it also helps with the preparation in case they inevitably do.

Contrary to popular opinion, lawyers experienced in personal injury cases can be your allies. While they are usually found at the other side of the table, compensation lawyers can provide your legal team with the well-rounded and preventive perspective it needs. In the event of an inevitable accident, it’s best to know how to make recovery less tedious, both for the company and your employee.

Work injury cases are common in industrial plants and factories, but you’d be surprised at how they are likewise increasing in the office. More employee compensation suits are citing stress as the cause of physical or emotional disabilities.

Supervisors and executives should stop overlooking stress factors in the workplace, no matter how minute. Take some time to know each employee; something trivial for one could trigger anxiety in another.

Invest in Your Employee’s Development

business team

Nothing beats experience. Managers often get frustrated when they don’t immediately see results in the new entry-level hire. But scouting for new employees is more expensive than training your current pool.

Employers should develop programs across the board, whether in-house seminars or through third-party educators. There comes a time when an employee feels inadequate at their job. This can be as early as the onboarding process or much later when they’re burned out. By letting them go outside the cubicle to learn new skills, they can come back more confident and prepared, with a bigger love for the company that supports their goals.

Leave Them Be

Successful relationships are reciprocal. Trust is earned where it is found.

Let your employees know that you hired them for a reason. Avoid micromanagement. Ensuring that they do their job doesn’t have to be an on-the-clock supervision. Additionally, that’s less stress for the managers and heads.

Allow some wiggle room for exploration and proposals. Stop negative performance through frequent feedback and guidance, but equally give credit where it’s due.

Create a Unique Company Culture

Self-fulfillment motivates our actions. By feeling proud of the company they work for, employees will see a long future ahead on the same team. In five years or more, they can see their goals as part of the company’s own goals. Proud employees will always have something positive to say about your brand. That is as an advertising approach in itself.

Maintain Social Interaction Outside Work Hours

Similarly, your workers should not feel pressured or intimidated when they come across you at the mall or the park. Through a genuine effort to build a bond, the boss-employee relationship can only grow stronger.

Lead by Example

With no one to guide, there can be no leaders. Employers forget that people listen only to the people they can look up to. By showing the way, people will follow. Bosses can lecture employees all they want, but if they do not practice what they preach, their comments will only fall on deaf ears.

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