The Property Flipper’s Guide to Improving Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is essential in real estate, as it provides a significant element of first impressions and initial judgments. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the National Association Of Realtors (NAR), approximately 77 percent of homebuyers view the curb appeal of a property as necessary when considering their purchase. When potential buyers look at homes, they tend to form opinions within the first minute and make decisions regarding their impressions in less than 15 minutes. This means that if the house has good curb appeal, this could encourage them to pursue further interest in the property.

You should also note that having high curb appeal is not just beneficial for potential buyers. According to research by the Appraisal Institute, homes with higher levels of aesthetic quality enjoy an increase in market value compared to those without such attributes. Furthermore, properties with higher levels of aesthetics have been found to sell more quickly than others and garner higher sales prices. Therefore, if homeowners want to maximize their gain on their investment when selling an existing property or make their home look more appealing, understanding and improving its curb appeal value can make a significant difference.

However, real estate businesses that flip properties for profit must understand that increase curb appeal requires more than just a coat of paint on the exterior. A deep dive into all elements that can improve curb appeal is necessary. Below are some tips for property flippers to consider when improving the aesthetic value of their houses.

Landscape Design and Maintenance

Landscape design and maintenance are crucial elements that contribute significantly to the curb appeal of a property. A well-maintained landscape adds aesthetic value to a house and gives it an overall polished look. It also offers potential buyers an initial impression of how well the home is cared for by previous owners.

In terms of design, having a pleasing combination of plants and trees helps enhance the overall beauty of the outdoor space. Incorporating native plants, ornamental grasses, shrubs, flowers, and trees can bring color and texture to a landscape. Homeowners should also keep in mind that having too many types of plants can make a yard seem cluttered and disorganized. In addition to adding visual interest, homeowners should consider other practical components like pathways and decks when designing their landscaping.

Having adequate irrigation is essential to keep the lawn fresh and green throughout the year. Homeowners must install an efficient watering system with both manual and automatic settings to ensure proper water distribution within their properties. Additionally, you should apply fertilizers regularly to maintain healthy turf growth.

Lastly, proper lighting improves curb appeal by creating an inviting atmosphere during nighttime hours. Installing solar lights or LED illumination on pathways will add additional ambiance while providing safety at nighttime hours. With all these elements combined, property flippers can give their homes a more attractive appearance that potential buyers will appreciate when viewing them from the street or photographs online.

Garage Door Upgrade

Garage doors are one of the most visible elements from the street and contribute significantly to how a property is perceived. Therefore, upgrading them can provide a significant improvement in terms of curb appeal for minimal cost. When choosing a garage door, homeowners should look for one with good insulation and an aesthetically pleasing design that complements the exterior style of their house.

Another essential factor to consider is its durability. Garages must withstand strong winds and other weather conditions. Homeowners should also consider incorporating additional features into their garage doors, like windows or decorative hardware, that can add more visual interest to their overall appearance.

Front Door Refresh

A modernized front door design

The front door serves as the entrance into the home and sets the tone for how potential buyers perceive the property. Homeowners must choose a door with the material, color, and style that complements the home’s overall design. A front door refresh includes adding decorative hardware or elements like sidelights or transom windows to improve its aesthetic value.

Finally, homeowners should pay attention to other essential factors, such as insulation values, energy efficiency, and security features, when selecting their new entryways. With the right combination of all these elements, homeowners can give their houses an attractive entrance that will provide curb appeal for years to come.

Final Thoughts

Improving curb appeal is an essential task for property flippers that can add tremendous value to their houses. With the right combination of elements, such as landscaping and garage or front door upgrades, they can give their homes an inviting look while making them more attractive to potential buyers. By following these tips, property flippers can improve the aesthetic value of their properties and increase the chances of selling quickly and at a reasonable price.

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