couple packing their furnitures

Move Your Household with You to the New Country

You have decided to move you and your family abroad. Great for you! A new life lies in wait. Before you experience that new life, however, you have to take care of numerous matters, ranging from legal to medical to personal affairs. You can easily feel overwhelmed with all the work that needs to be done. To make the move easier for you, the advice below and help from removalists in Sydney can take care of the household aspect of your move.

1. Bring your household.

When you move abroad, you not only transplant yourself and your family to a new location, you also bring your household with you. Now, you may think that it may seem better to sell your furniture, and buy new ones in the new country. Practically, you will be best off with bringing your furniture.

2. Make it feel like home.

Bringing your furniture with the help of removalists in Sydney can be more cost-effective than buying new furniture. At the same time, your current possessions can make your new house feel more like your Australian home. The familiar feeling of your home back in Australia can help your entire family cope and adjust to the international transfer. Your children will adjust better! With those reasons alone, you can already decide to bring your furniture and possessions with you.

3. Check your moving funds.

Of course, moving your household will be difficult. As a first step, you have to assess if you have sufficient funds for the move. When you already have a job waiting for you, employers usually provide a settling-in allowance. The allowance may be delayed, however, so you may have to advance expenses from your own pocket.

4. Learn customs regulations.

couple checking customs regulations online for mkoving to another country

Next, you can ask embassy, high commission, or consulate of the country you are transferring to for any import and custom prohibitions or rules you have to follow. These rules will keep you from bringing certain items into the new country. Knowing these rules prevent surprises once you actually move.

Countdown: Three to Four Months Before the Move

To the moving itself, you have to plan in advance, around three to four months early. You can talk with your relocation company and ask for quotes already. As for your house, find a buyer at this time already and list your house for sale.

Countdown: Two Months Before the Move

Two months before the move, you can already sort out what furniture and household items you will bring. Depending on the dimensions and layout of your new house, you may have to leave some furniture behind. After sorting, you can have some items packed and shipped early.

Countdown: One Month Before the Move

A month before the move, you can check appliance compatibility in the new country. You may have to buy transformers if you bring some of your appliances. At this point, you can also sell the furniture and items you will leave behind.

Countdown: Weeks Before the Move

A few weeks before the move, pack your remaining items, and have them shipped. Items that you think you will need upon arrival can be packed instead in your luggage. Speaking of luggage, make sure your family brings with them all that they will immediately need.

It is time for the move! Say goodbye to your home, to Sydney, and to Australia. On to the new life in the new country.