business planning

Fortifying Your Business against Global Crises

Businesses have to contend with the volatile market to survive. And the global events happening currently aren’t particularly helping smaller ones to survive. Strengthening your business and fortifying it enough to survive through global crises is difficult- nobody can predict when these types of crises can happen, and it’s hard to prepare for them.

However, fortifying your business is far from impossible. You need to be aware of practical and realistic steps.

Solidify Your Business Plan

Creating a solid business plan is like having a guide for making critical business decisions. While you might already have a business plan in play, re-evaluating your business model now and then is important to keep track of the changes in the market. Assess the current structure of your business and see what areas need improving. It’s important to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your company. Being able to repeat success and avoid failures requires knowing what you’re doing in the first place.

Leverage the Power of Technology

Businesses are always utilizing the latest technology and innovations to better their operations, and your business should be doing that as well. Due to global events that severely limited travel and transportation, even to a domestic level, many businesses were forced to allow their employees to work from home.

Using video conferencing software and collaborative tools, businesses could operate despite their employees staying at home. In an interesting turn of events, many have discovered that it can boost productivity. Don’t be afraid to utilize this to your advantage, and don’t forget to use other efficiency and productivity tools as well.

Ensure Your Business

Your business isn’t immune to dangers and emergencies- and the pandemic has proven that. Insurance is a way to recover any costs that come with potential damage or liability claims. It’s a way to mitigate risks and to make sure your business comes out ahead even in the event of a catastrophe.

This reduces the risks that come with uncertainty and is something that every business should have if they’re looking to stay for the long term. Different industries often have different insurances, so make sure that your business has all the necessary insurances.


Keep a Key Performance Indicator>

Without a system or plan in place, you won’t properly evaluate your own business. This creates a scenario of not knowing the state of your company realistically, leading to a false sense of success. The only way to properly measure your business is through a standardized key performance indicator, or KPI, that will allow comparisons against a set metric. Here’s a quick set of KPIs that you should pay attention to:Increased Lead Generation

Your business won’t expand and find new customers if it can’t even interest those looking for your service. A good way to measure your marketing campaign’s performance is to see whether it’s generating new leads.

Lead Conversion

Once you have leads, the next thing to measure is how many of those leads are converted into paying customers. This is an important factor to keep track of as it directly ties to your sales.

Revenue Growth

Of course, a business needs to earn more to grow. Revenue growth is one of the most important metrics to follow. This is where you can base whether your efforts are paying off and whether you need to push more marketing efforts or improve productivity.

Operational Efficiency

If your business is producing less in a working day, you need to ramp up its efficiency. Productivity is an important asset to any business. Being able to do more with less is always a requirement for growth.

Pay Attention to the Law

No matter what the business is, it’s still ultimately subject to the law. Hiring a  business law professional to help you secure the necessary licenses and certifications to operate is necessary. Many small businesses that neglect to complete their legal requirements ultimately have to scamper to fulfill the necessary paperwork or face penalties or even closure. File all the necessary paperwork beforehand.

It’s a lot of work, but once it’s done, you’ll feel more confident with your business. Should global crises and emergencies occur, your business is protected by law, and it’s far easier to navigate contracts and agreements when you know the law is on your side?

Fortifying your business and making sure it stands the test of time is a difficult feat to achieve. But it’s worth the effort, especially if your business gets to see another day despite the struggles that we all face.