construction site

Responsible and Earth-friendly Construction Practices

Construction is one of the most popular and lucrative industries in the world. It’s among the oldest sectors of society. But because of the increasing number of construction projects, more forests are turned into gated communities and commercial or industrial sites. It takes a toll on the health and beauty of the earth. Before we know it, our vegetation could not support the needs of the growing population.

To reduce environmental destruction and damage, contractors are adopting some earth-friendly construction practices.

Landscaping and Irrigation

Integrating nature into the building design is becoming a more widespread practice these days. Plants indeed make the surroundings more beautiful. Depending on the location and topography of the construction site, contractors are tasked to create magnificent landscapes around the structure that’s being built.

Landscaping not only gives life and color to the outdoor space; it also helps the environment because the plants filter the air around the building, so people can always enjoy the clean and fresh air. Some contractors and project owners even add a garden on the rooftop of the buildings they are constructing. This provides the occupants a place to relax, watch the plants bloom, and get their food from.

A landscape is never complete without an efficient irrigation system that uses just the right amount of water to sustain and nourish the plants.

Soil Erosion Control

Erosion is among the primary problems in construction sites, especially in areas that are hilly and dry with little to no vegetation. Erosion control is a big challenge, and contractors are always looking for the best way to prevent the movement of soil, which can affect the appearance of the structure or cause a disaster in the future.

Hydroseeding services are among the most popular and environmentally friendly options used by contractors these days. Other soil erosion practices include the use of the following:

  • French drains
  • Soil nails
  • Geotextiles
  • Riprap
  • Articulated concrete blocks
  • Turbidity barriers

Replacement of Cut Trees

Trees are important in the ecosystem because they play a big role in it. When someone builds a structure in a place where there are many trees, the trees are cut and thrown away. This is bad for the environment and the soil. Removing the trees will render the birds and bugs homeless, so they will likely leave the place. This will have a big impact on the area’s ecosystem and food chain.

More contractors are planting seedlings after cutting big trees at the construction site. While it will take many years for the seedlings to become full-grown trees, it’s still a good practice to replace what you took away. Some other construction companies are using modern methods to remove and replant the trees in strategic locations at the construction site.

Construction of Proper Drainage System

Proper drainage is important to keep wastes from polluting the bodies of water. It will work best if there is a suitable waste management system on the site. Contractors and their workers should segregate the wastes for proper disposal or recycling.

Construction is among the biggest sources of waste, and it contributes a lot to the destruction of natural resources. It pays to have a concrete plan on how we can minimize the damage and rehabilitate the planet.