real estate agent

Serve Yourself, Serve Others: The Basics of Becoming a Real Estate Agent

Deciding to work requires some kind of investment. Whether it’s your time, effort, or money. This is why one needs to be careful when choosing a career path. You’d need to make sure that you’re ready to give it your best, for the people you serve and for yourself.

While others dream of working for large companies, some decide to be their own boss for a number of reasons. From being able to handle their own time to having a flexible work location.

And one industry where you can achieve this is in real estate. Now, there are different types, and usually, the most common one is residential. Here, you’ll get to help people make one of the biggest decisions in their lives. But, of course, there are factors that you’ll always have to consider when venturing into this field.

Why Choose Real Estate

Most people decide to pursue this career because it’s a quick process. Upon completing the required amount of training, you may already get your license. This can happen in a span of a month or two, depending on which state you reside in.

And as mentioned, you’re your own boss. You get to make the decisions for yourself. So this means that you’re responsible for your own growth. You’ll get to achieve a great work ethic as well since your job requires a lot of socializing. Whether it’s with your fellow agents or your clients.

Your income would also depend on your performance. The amount of time that you invest would play a role here as well. This job won’t simply mean that you sell houses to different people. As a real estate agent, you’re helping your customers make a big, life-changing decision.

Duties and Responsibilities

However, like any other job, it won’t always be easy. Sure, you can get a license in a short amount of time. But there are a lot of duties that you need to fulfill once you get started.

real estate agent

Working For The Seller

You’re responsible for accomplishing all documents, such as lease records and agreements. If you’re working for the seller of a house, you’d be the one tasked to put the word out there about a property for sale. May it be through flyers, newsletters, websites, and other platforms of your choice.

Also, be sure to do your research. Your client may be residing in, let’s say, Overland Park, so you’d need to know of any houses that are for sale there as well.

Another way to reach potential clients is through a sphere of influence. Here, you’ll be able to get leads through the people you already know. May it be your family, friends, friends of friends, colleagues, neighbors, and many more.

Holding open houses is also one way of attracting potential buyers. This would allow them to check the property. From the location, the condition of the house, and all that. This would also serve as an opportunity for them to ask more questions, so you’d need to be ready as well. They might ask about previous owners. They may also be curious about the construction of the house. So knowing the property you’re selling, inside and out, is a must.

You should also disclose any flaws that the house may have. This is to avoid any problems in the future if they do decide to proceed with the purchase. There may be faulty switches, a problem with the flooring or the air ducts may need cleaning. You should take all these into consideration because even the little details matter. And this would also affect your credibility as a real estate agent. You should be transparent with your customers since they put their full trust in you.

Working for the Buyer

And if you’re working for the buyers, your clients would want to schedule appointments from time to time. You already know that there are no specific working hours in this field. However, there may still be instances when you have to sacrifice some personal time. Clients may suddenly decide to make a last-minute visit, so you’d need to adjust. You should also let the agent representing the seller know of any changes as well.

And of course, you should always make sure that your clients get the best possible price. You could look at comparable properties to be able to have an idea of how much you need to bid.

Upon securing a sale, it won’t end there. You and the other agent would be the ones tasked to handle all the paperwork as well. At times, you may even be both. There are some who choose to be a dual agent. But keep in mind that you’ll have twice the amount of responsibilities. Not only that, but you’ll also need to remain neutral throughout the transaction.

These are only some things that every aspiring real estate agent needs to consider. Yes, being your own boss is great but also keep in mind that your client should always be a priority. Whether you plan on working for the seller, the buyer, or even both.