
Steps Every Responsible Landowner Should Take

If you are not ready to purchase a house just yet, investing in land for sale in Whittlesea, Vic first can be a much better financial decision. There are so many things you can do with a vacant property – of course. You can build your own home in the future, have a farmland or a ranch, develop land for business purposes.

Paying for the land is not the final step, however. You still have to get everything surveyed, prep all the documents to have the property transferred to your name, and get the property ready for building. Here are some of the steps you should take:

Create specific boundaries

Most lands for sale do not come with proper fencing or natural barriers that run along the property’s edges. So, as the new owner, it is your responsibility to establish boundaries. Depending on what you are planning to build, you need to be specific with the type of fencing you will have.

For example, if you are going to build a house for your family in the future, you want proper fencing that would keep intruders out of your property. If you are thinking about having farmland, you need to keep all the unwanted animals out.

Wooden fences are great if you are focusing on the visual appeal of your front yard, but if you are more worried about animals, barbed wires are the most effective. But, before you start making plans about fencing, make sure you’ve checked the guidelines, as there are some developers with very specific rules regarding fencing.

Some subdivisions will not allow owners to build fences around their property for aesthetic reasons. Also, check the topographic map.

Keep everything trash-free


If you’ve purchased your land property for some time but couldn’t handle the maintenance right away, you’d be surprised at the amount of garbage it may have accumulated, especially if your plot of land is huge.

Make sure to clear your property of trash as soon as you can, not only to keep it pleasing to the eyes but also to have it prepped for surveying and development. It is natural to see some trash from time to time, but tiny substances like broken glass or rusted metal are often difficult to spot at first because they lay on the first layer of soil causing them to seemingly blend with the ground.

Say hi to your neighbours

This step is something that many owners tend to overlook. After all, it has absolutely nothing to do with construction or finances. Still, it remains very important – establishing human connections. Not only is introducing yourself to your future neighbours an important part of etiquette, but it will also help you gain new friends in a place you are still unfamiliar with.

Also, if your neighbours have been residing in the property for quite some time, they can offer valuable advice on how you can clear and develop your own land.

Whatever your goal may be, it is very important to do enough research and take on the necessary steps after you’ve signed the papers to make sure your plans will go on smoothly.