firefighter on duty

The Great Qualities of a Firefighter

Everyone probably knows a story or two about courageous individuals who sacrifice themselves for others. Some of them know these people personally, while others were introduced to them during a difficult situation. Among these courageous people are firefighters. They are not only role models, but you’ll also see them preparing their fire fighting trailer unit to assist and make sure that everyone is safe.

What makes a great firefighter? Here are some of their good qualities:

A Firefighter Should Be…

When public safety is at risk, the police aren’t the only ones called. Many times, people rely on firefighters to rescue them. That said, firefighters need to show integrity in what they do. They need people’s trust. People, on the other hand, want to trust the authorities. To give their trust, the public should see that the firefighters are not doing any misconduct. People will trust them if they’re seen to do their job well and with pride.

Aside from that, firefighters should be physically fit. They’re at the front of the action. Duty calls for climbing trees, entering through a broken window, etc. Everyone wants to see firefighters who won’t have a heart attack running. Their job dictates to be active so they must be fit to do their job.

As a firefighter, one must be well-adept to communicating with others. There are times when a firefighter must talk to a person of different dialect, a deaf person, a child, a mentally incapacitated person, and more. Their communication skills must be good at the very least. With that, they must be able to handle a variety of personalities.

Being a Firefighter Requires…

A firefighter must be able to adapt and be flexible. Every day is a different situation for every firefighter. They will not only have to communicate with the public; they also have superiors they need to adjust to. Having attitudes that can work well with others is a plus for firefighters.

Being a firefighter also requires dedication. It’s not every day that there’s action on the job. Sometimes, firefighters just need to do paperwork like reports. A firefighter who gets bored easily should learn to adapt and realize that there are days meant to be in the office and not the field.

A great firefighter should also be a team player. Firefighters work in teams especially when there’s an emergency. There’s a team head that everyone should cooperate to. In turn, the team should trust the members that they can do the job assigned to them.

To Be a Great Firefighter Means…


Firefighters should know basic auto mechanic applications. Some tools need to be used and firefighters should have a good understanding of that. To add, they should also be good at driving a fire truck and navigating other firefighting equipment.

Lastly, a firefighter should know how to make sacrifices and maintain a wholesome image. Being a firefighter requires too much of work hours. A firefighter is no good if they always think about downtimes. Additionally, they must have a clean public image. People, especially kids, look up to them so they need to set good examples.

Being a firefighter is no easy job, but it’s a career for people who know genuine concern for others. This is a good job for people who like to help others. Do you think firefighting is for you? Read and evaluate what characteristics firefighters have and see if you’re fit for this career.